The Allen Road Missionary Church would like to extend a very warm welcome to all our friends, family and visitors.
A place to worship and a people who care!
Weekly Services
Sunday Morning: Worship starts at .........10:45am
Sunday Morning Service is welcome to all.
Please Email, text or call for any questions, concerns, prayer requests or suggestions.
Email us at - ARMCWebsite@gmail.com
(734) 284-5656 or (313) 283-5841
Pastor Dave Alvarez - 734-934-4142
Pastor Maruice Gholston - 248-497-2554 If you wish to tithe or donate online,
Pastor Adam Crumpton - 313-460-5469 please use the Donate link below.
James Velliky (313) 283-5841
Paul Fater (313) 320-2706

*This site is a work in progress! If you have any suggestions, comments or questions
please e-mail James at ARMCWebsite@gmail.com
Photos courtesy of Zimage Photography
Allen Road Missionary Church
Sunday Mornings
10:00 am - 10:30am we meet for coffee hour in the basement Fellowship Hall
10:45am Worship begins the service. This starts with scripture reading, prayers and worship
Please sign our Guest Book and feel free to leave a comment!